Friday 17 October 2014

Help us build the Bitcoin ecosystem through Mass Use.

Help us build the Bitcoin ecosystem through Mass Use. Join (pesamob) and cause the existing members to earn Bitcoin. This will force them to open Bitcoin Wallets and Learn How to withdraw their Bitcoins. They will then have to cash them or spend them as they are.

With a membership of 800 people and growing .... this has the potential to spread the Bitcoin Gospel extremely fast. Joining will cost you 0.28BTC. The member under who you join will immediately earn 0.06BTC.

This is a Pyramid System turned over in that you - a Bitcoin Owner - though interested in the income opportunity would not feel much loss AS the benefits to the less endowed would be much greater. Please Join us.

The link is a rotator url for 800 members!

 We intend to go East Africa, Africa and global.

 Bitcoin is OUR ONLY payment System!  The System is Already accepting and paying out in Bitcoin automatically!

The only drawback currently is education. Educating people on what Bitcoin is. There is plenty of stuff on the site so far and and we keep sending out more especially through the Twitter handle @PesamobCom (

 There are two areas we can focus on one being for which we have already set up a gateway and These two can quickly enable Bitcoin to spread quickly BUT we first need to get Bitcoin to the people.

 How? Through

 Where do you come in - find a way of getting Bitcoiners to sign up or you place several accounts in a revolving fund until exhausted. This way, Once the people have earned some Bitcoins, they will HAVE to find a way to Cash it or use it.

 Kenya being the highest adopter of Digital money in the world has huge potential, especially through the use of 37coins which is exactly like Mpesa EXCEPT that now it is global, to quickly enhance the uptake of Bitcoin locally and globally. Remittances to Kenya run into Billions of shillings and therefore Kenyans would immediately benefit from the adoption of Bitcoin NOT to mention tea farmers and coffee farmers.

 There is NO better way to spread the message than through Network Marketing which is already in place and ready.

 Please review this idea and see how you can get involved.

Help us build the Bitcoin ecosystem!


Earn Some With Our Bitcoin based MLM A 2x2 Matrix System

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to have a more detailed article on this? I'm located in the U.S. where I don't see very many Bitcoin vendor in rural areas. Can you give more details on how promoting to Africa might be beneficial for me here in the U.S. Thank you
